I seem to be developing the habit of waking up early in the mornings (7am is early if you don't go to sleep until 1am) and puttering about the house doing unimportant, quiet things for an hour or two. Bowls of cereal, mugs of tea or coffee, and many books accompany me during these quiet hours... and often a breastpump, but that's not so much for the edification of me and more a necessity, so I don't count it as part of my me-time.
While I'm up doing these things, both the boys are asleep in bed, Chris turned to snuggle with the wall and Jacob sprawled as far across the bed as a three-month-old can sprawl (you'd be surprised).
Having a few hours to myself with no one needing me to do anything is so pleasant that I can't seem to break myself of the habit of waking and doing my own thing for several hours, despite the fact that no one with any sense would be getting up at 7am after only getting to sleep at 1am (or sometimes 2 or 3am), not every morning like clockwork. Especially not someone with Systemic Lupus.
But I seem to need this time. It keeps me sane during the day, especially when dealing with the necessity of several crazy dogs, one especially needy baby, and one scatterbrained husband who wouldn't remember shoes if I didn't press the point as he was walking out the door. So I think of the time as me-time that I deserve (or possibly WHEE! time, because that's what I feel like yelling when I get to wander off on my own for any length of time).
Speaking of early mornings and things that don't edify me, I don't appreciate being interrupted by the glorious sound of gagging coming from the trailing edge of the bedsheets, and certainly not in the wee hours of the morning (not the WHEE! hours). Chasing a dog out of the bedroom in absolute silence while still communicating my displeasure and the absolute need for the dog to get into the backyard to finish vomiting is not easy. And, I don't enjoy cleaning vomit off the carpet, not only because it is disgusting but also because it takes away from my me-time by making me be mature and do the necessary things of life again.
Since both my boys are still sleeping comfortably (and since one tiny baby fist is slowly making its way across the bad to invade the two square feet of space I'm sitting in to type on my laptop), I'm going to escape to the kitchen and indulge in hot tea, cold cereal, and a novel.