Unfortunately, dairy is apparently a slippery slope for me. The next evening, I had two slices of cheese pizza because I just love pizza and it was only two slices - what could it hurt?
Of course, that same evening I noticed the baby seemed a little fussier and harder to settle than normal. I passed it off; babies are sometimes fussy and why should I worry about it?
But then the next day, he was in absolute misery. Fussing continuously, this low-level "eeeh! uuuh! eeeuuuh!" over and over and over until I thought I'd go mad with it. Occasionally it would escalate into crying and screaming, sometimes the pitch would go way up into this awful squeal of pain. Nothing I did helped - nursing, rocking, humming, walking with him in my arms, petting his back, rubbing his belly, changing his diaper... he was obviously in discomfort bordering on pain, and nothing could stop it.
It went on all day, and that evening I noticed his poor bottom was bright, BRIGHT red. And then he started having trouble breathing when he was laying on his back. He'd suddenly gasp and gag and wheeze, and if we didn't sit him up quickly, he started gagging and crying.
Today has been better... it's been over 48 hours since I ate dairy, and while he occasionally whimpers, his stomach seems to feel better overall and his bottom isn't quite so horribly red.
I suppose temptation is meant to be resisted. I think now my ability to say 'no' will be better - I need only remember the last two awful days and how miserable the baby has been.