Saturday, August 22, 2009


Chris is talking seriously again about us switching to a raw diet, or a mostly raw diet. I know personally I had a lot more energy and felt better in general when I was eating less cooked and more raw foods, but it intimidates me. The idea of giving up all the things I like so much, and condemning myself to a life of mostly fruits and vegetables and nuts?

I mean, I'm already halfway down that path, thanks to Jacob's dairy allergy. Most of the things I like, I can't eat anymore, which has left me scrambling to fill that gap. One of the easiest, least expensive, and healthiest ways to do so is to start eating more vegetables and fruits, since I can be pretty darn sure those are dairy-free.

But, like I said, it's intimidating, the idea that I will be passing up a lot of the things I love so much.

I guess we'll see how it goes this time around.